WELCOME TO F4T4L, FUCKERS!!!! i’m f4t4l frankie, and i made this whole shit ass thing!!
what can you do here? i have comics, personality quiz(zes someday), poems, stories, and articles abt obscure and underground music artists. also check out the guestbook and about me page if you want. click around, that's how websites work.
what will there be in the future? mostly, more comics, stories, articles, etc etc. i also want to make a personal blog page, maybe a couple of link collections, and i was even playing with the idea of a shitty advice column where ppl can write in through email. bc any advice i’d give is probably a little shitty lets be so fr. at least it would be funny
aside from that, i have a few longer-term projects, but you dont get to see those yet. NO PEEKING BITCHES >:(
anyways im done yapping. click some buttons. have fun. or not, thats on you.
- ☣ f4t4l frankie ☣